Entertaining As Art, Country Weekends

When I was growing up in the late 60s and 70s “having company” was normal, looked upon with enthusiasm, expected on a regular basis and prepared for with gladness. And company regularly showed up completely unannounced yet Mom was always gracious and usually prepared, and if not she happily, quickly and quietly went about making a thoughtful plate or two of food and put the coffee pot on to brew. I swear she could whip up a coffee cake in five minutes flat and pop it in the oven without so much as a blink of the eye! Before long it’s heavenly fragrance would be filling the room and guests felt special and welcome. A popular comedian today actually talks about our very different attitude towards company in his routine; how now, when the door bell rings, everyone drops and whispers as they search for weapons hidden under the sofa and attempt to figure out who would have the audacity to just drop in. Heaven forbid! Personally, I miss hav...