The Colonial Williamsburg Tavern Cookbook
My mother affectionately known as Bean had many interests besides cooking and one of those was a passion for history, especially colonial. So growing up in New England gave her plenty of opportunity to immerse in that which she loved and marry the two passions with historical cookery. She could spend hours working with old ‘receipts’ and translating them into modern recipes. She normally had a kitchen garden with herbs, a large vegetable garden and she canned and preserved everything. Growing up on a farm with a father who was a hunter she could even dress a deer and butcher any number of animals. Thankfully that was before my time. She also collected antique kitchen equipment from wooden mashers, spoons and rolling pins to a 5’ long bread dough rising bowl, an apple butter stirring paddle and early crocks which she would fill with cucumbers and huge heads of dill to make pickles every summer. And of course she collected cookbooks, the older the better. Here on th...