The French Chef Cookbook...Bon Appetit
The French Chef Cookbook by Julia Child. My Mother Lill-Sie, affectionately known as Bean, or later on as Grandma Bean, was an adventuresome cook. Ethnic recipes, exotic ingredients, and time consuming preparations were not looked on as obstacles only exciting challenges to try, seek out and enjoy. She was a New Yorker so she was introduced to the cuisine of many cultures as a child, but that being said, it was she who sought them out. She told stories of going door to door in her neighborhood during the early 1940s, asking “What’s cooking?” Many of course found this quite endearing and would gladly give the precocious little toe head a taste! Her neighbors in Long Island were from Germany, Russia, Poland, Norway and France. Her parents, my grandparents, were from Sweden. Bean left a large cookbook collection, truly a legacy, and on this blog I share these books, memories of Bean and then cook one recipe from the book. My mother never ...