
Showing posts from December, 2019

Snowflurries & The Cookie Book

The Cookie Book, 1971.      There is a bitter bite to the wind today. Trees stand bare and exposed against a grey sky and landscape as snow flurries scurry about their limbs.  I layered up early as I had errands to run and I wished to get things done so that I could spend the majority of this day pursuing more creative play. First to the grocery store, then the library and finally to the nursery to pick up a Christmas tree.      Home once again, cheeks red from the cold I set my sights on pre-holiday activities. Making a cup  of steaming cinnamon tea to warm my self I turned to Beans cookbook collection for inspiration. This was the perfect cookie baking day!      Two things close to my mothers heart were Christmas and baking and in particular, baking cookies.  Growing up my mothers cookie jar was never empty.  She was a connoisseur of cookies and to her they were the perfect snack and always with a cup of black c...