"A Rage to Nosh"
A Rage to Nosh... Have you ever read a book and your inner voice takes on an accent to match? As I sat down to read A Rage to Nosh, by Ruth & Bob Grossman (published by Paul S. Eriksson, New York, 1966) I couldn't help but hear my mother and the paternal branch of her family all sitting around 'tawking' after Thanksgiving dinner with their New York accents and their hands flying. New Yorkers 'tawk' with their hands, really their whole bodies. They are animated, loud, and full of life. It's especially funny since my Mom was just first generation Swedish-American. Her parents, and her fathers brothers all spoke with the familiar melodic, sing-song Swedish accent. By contrast their children, she and all of her cousins, spoke with the distinctive guttural New York accent. As a child it was quite an interesting backdrop of sounds and inflections to listen to. It was rather like trying to follow the strains of a lovely melody th...